Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Identification of eggs

James and I identifying eggs
            A few weeks ago, I spent a couple hours identifying bird eggs with James who was kind enough to bring eggs for the bird display case. This was quite a challenge identifying the eggs since there wasn’t a guide, but us working from one book with pictures of the eggs.

            We identified probably 8 or so eggs some were easy due to the size and color combination. Since the book, we used was not to scale the eggs were harder to identify because the color could have been correct but the size could have been wrong. To identify them we first looked at the color in one of the books and then we would research the size online as well as other details like how many eggs the bird lays. If the egg measured to be the right size and everything else seemed good is how we determined the type of egg it was. Since we only had very little to work with it took depending on the difficulty of the egg 10-20 min for one egg. 

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