Sunday, February 5, 2017

Initial Step: Brainstorming (Fur kit)

The original fur display case 
          I was assigned a fun project in January, which was to design a kit for a display case drawer that could easily be taken out for kids to play with. When first coming up with ideas I went kinda crazy and made a page long list of different themes like animals or the water cycle and what would be put in the kit. After pondering upon the ideas I had I realized that it needed to be more practical.To expand, it can't be too messy, and easy enough for younger kids to do. Additionally, it needs to be a small enough project to fit in a small kit.
          When I first met with Johnathan Pope an educator we discussed both display cases and thought to use materials we already had so we wouldn't need to go out and get supplies. When we discussed the first display case we decided to have the focus around furs that mammals had. We collaborated about how we were going to execute this idea, and I learned it's nice to have another person to talk to about a certain idea. We went over the display case, and from that made up components of the fur kit. I made up three groups of questions to be put in the kit and also added many different types of fur that the kids would be able to work with.
         My main objective for both kits and future displays are to make it so the kids are able to learn more about their environment as well as it being a fun activity as oppose to one where they are reading something and aren't as fully interested in the topic at hand.

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